Love is this song, I've just sang for you

To God, Who Always Lulls Us Before We Sleep And No Matter What He Is Always Around

This little poem I wrote for everyone and for myself, to look at it back, when i'm feeling down
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God knows the way I dream so big

And he likes the way I choose to swim,

He embraces my fears and makes them stop,

He lulls me at nights with ancient songs.

                                                                        But God doesn’t like the way I love

                                                                        The way I let others break my heart,

                                                                        The words which are told and I believe

                                                                        He hates to come and find crying me.

But still, every night he comes at my bed,

“sleep tight my child”-sweetly he says,

and when I lay crying on his huge palm,

he covers my fears with his big thumb.

                                                                        “listen my child – he starts to sing

                                                                          His voice – like echo from mountain’s hills,

                                                                          “I know all the feelings, and I know what’s love

                                                                          As I created it on the shadows of sun”.

The love doesn’t live inside the eyes,

It comes from spirit

From deep inside.

Love’s not a poem

Or a big smile,

It’s not that simple

But it’s not that hard.                                          Love is a care

                                                                          The highest one,

                                                                          Love is a duty

                                                                          Sometimes, a war.

                                                                          Love is not seen, love is not heard,

                                                                         Love is a light which struggled to rise.

                                                                         Love is that all I give to you,

                                                                        As love is this song, I’ve just sang for you.



I'm a journalist, I have more than 5 years experience in this profession. I love to write, but I have never shown anything personal to anyone. I want to try now. I'm happy I'm here.

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