Dangerous woman

She Says She Is Dangerous

The story here begins after she met him. How the journey began without any thought of ending up together but as you know when it's about the same vibe vibrating together, it is difficult to stay apart . The feeling doesn't leave easily even if the person does. But the girl here doesn't fear anymore and she says ''SHE IS DANGEROUS''.
Image Credit - https://www.pexels.com


Lust was pleasing
Love invaded,

Dramatic emotion
Drawn devotion,
Lot of affection
It seemed perfection,
atleast  to those eyes that could see.
And if you ask me,
Let's sit over a coffee
And talk about me
Her heart became WE
And all you could see
Was a Beauty and a Flying Bee,
 And she was setting him FREE

After all she is DANGEROUS
and her life has always been flavorous.
So she decided,

(Though Heart wants what it wants!
And it haunts,
deep down , so bad)

to feel happy with what she had
And she had enough!
to keep her moving.
But keep moving suddenly didn't seem enough
So she took a puff
Thought why life felt so rough
And it carried on puff after puff
Cigarette, a fucking healing stuff,
she thought



I call myself an artist as my interest areas are inclined towards the creative field be it writing , singing , dancing and so on . I want to explore my capabilities in the field of writing.

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