When the good is not good enough

Ripe lemons

When the good is not good enough
Image Source - https://www.shropshirestar.com/news/2014/06/09/weird-clouds-herald-midlands-storm/
The events of life are beyond human understanding.The world collapses in less than a second.

The sun throws invisible hats away

It has no feet anyway

And hunts for darkness,

And controls after a success


Today, more hands to hold life,

Today, more machines to hold life,

Turns its eyes to see the outlaid hands,

And laughs it off


Man, imperfectly held by gravity

Feels the rupture of the day

From fame to lame, glory to folly, in a second

Tears make a visit, and the pictures stay, as wound


Bad luck invests in depth

And manifests in Floaters of earth

Floaters join in the slogans of owls

And loudness of fowls


Despise visits and takes the comfortable seat

The boringness of life becomes too hard to beat

It fountains deep thoughts

Permits weeds in cemented inners


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