Sometimes I am not the same

The different shades of a girl oops an amateur writer

Sometimes I am not the same
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A poem dedicated to my own self.

Sometimes I am sweet
At other times I am not

Sometimes I love
At other times I am neutral

Sometimes I am confident 
At other times I am not

Sometimes I am witty
At other times I can really be a big bore


Sometimes my sense of humour is on

At other times you might find me in my complaining mood


Sometimes I want to be alone
At other times I want to talk


The truth is that I just keep on changing
As change is the only thing which I truly love and aspire

You never know the next time that you will meet me 

I would be in which mood

The sweet mish

The reserved mish

The expressive one  
The naughty one
The angry one

The confident one

The sensitive one
or The preachy one 

Keep meeting and keep guessing...

Coz even I don’t know :-)


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