Game of Nature - A Poetry

Game of Nature

Game of Nature - A Poetry
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Nature is almighty. Nature is featureful. It is the main source of living existence.

Nature is the source of all living existence;

Nature is featureful with various evidence,

Nature is the origin of enormous power;

Nature is considered as spiritual manner,

Nature is creator and also annihilate;

Nature is auto-generated never manipulate,

Nature is blessings for all existence;

Nature sometimes arise as accursed incidence,

Nature is beautiful and universal almighty;

Nature is unparallel and ever infinity,

Nature is subject to scientific research;

Nature is god, and the homepage arch,

Nature is moon, stars, and energy of sun;

Nature is rivers, hills and immense oceans,

Nature is soil, water, and life-saving air,

Nature is trees, forests and pleasant flowers,

Nature is cloud, rain and the sunlight;

Nature is flood, drought and stormy holocaust,

Nature is unique waterfall and destroying earthquake;

Nature is fire, volcano and thundering strike,

Nature is resource of oil and minerals;

Nature is expedient of coal and jewels.


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