Superstition is the mental delusion. It is the blind faith of human being.It has no any scientific based.
Human being carry on two special sections;
One is sacrament and other superstition,
Superstition does not belong to law of nature;
It is one kind of day-dream feature,
Superstition nothing but the mental delusion;
We should not believe any hallucination,
Superstition does weaken the human mind;
In case of superstition, we should not blind,
Superstition does anti-influence on tranquillity;
We should not confine such un-naturality,
Superstition has a lot of bad impressions;
It may be turned into a harmful passion,
Superstition has no any scientific based;
It is the ancestral fictitious made,
Superstition degrade the faith and confidence;
Cosmogony of superstition is ominous evidence,
Superstition access in mind during childhood;
Parent should ignore this irrational root,
Superstition generates by human’s blind faith;
Superstition just a mirage that we mindset.