Environmental Pollution - The Danger of Life

Environmental Pollution - The Danger of Life

Environmental Pollution - The Danger of Life
Image Source - https://pixabay.com/en/nature-environment-845849/
Pollution of the environment of the modern age is a matter of worried. Humanistic awareness can be minimized the environmental pollution.

Environment is the life of society;

It helps to make human amity,

We should try best to learn at first;

Environment helps to live with thirst,

Pollution of environment has many causes;

House and commercial wastes should disposed,

Industrial revolt changed balance of ecology;

Environment pollution damage human biology,

Air, water and soil main key of environment;

Humanistic awareness is very much important,

Urbanisation also a cause of pollution;

Maximum plantation may be solution,

Vehicles of transportation pollutes the air;

Thermal plants damage the useful ozone layer,

Environment should keep pollution free;

We should maintain the environment degree,

Fertilizers and pesticides pollute the soil;

Soil pollution should scientifically be foiled,

Environment is our most loving friend;

Protection of environment should be our trend.


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