Reading and Writing

Reading and Writing

Reading and Writing
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A poem about these two skills and loves.

Reading is all about learning and studying

Asking questions and

Finding answers.

Reading and writing are finding your interests.

What are you interests and what kind of questions can you ask.

Research, research, research

Leads to writing

Rough draft after rough draft to reach a certain

final draft that explains or describes what a reader

now writer wanted to learn and share.

Reading and writing is all about the experience that readers and

writers have.

Again, reading and writing is sharing.

Learning to read and write and share are what writers

want to do with their lives. 

There are many questions and ideas out there that need

answers and writers whatever kind that you happen to be are just the

right kind of people to find those answers to those questions needing solved.

    Reading, writing and sharing are all subjects that actually start with the parents moving

   on to the teachers of society. 

    Teachers are the ones who refine what the parents started. 

Learning to read and write is all about making choices.

The choices that readers and writers get to make range from various....

   picture books, fairy tales, reference, fiction and non-fiction.

To go further there are poetry, short stories, novels that lead to realism, surrealism and many forms that let us, the readers, think-think-think and make us thinkers and us thinkers try to make change through our writing and to keep asking questions and keep our interests and talents growing.  When we entered preschool or any grade the teacher usually shows us a book about some random subject from animals to people to outer space.  Readers and writers if you really think about it got their start from their teachers.  Teachers were the ones that introduced the subjects that made it possible for all the questions that writers have or seem to have that they want answers.  Teachers were also the ones that showed these writers how to think and use these skills to learn and keep learning and to search for meaning in all that they and we do at home, school, work and play.  When we learned our letters and numbers we were on our way to learning how to read and write our various ideas that were already forming in our minds even in those very early learning years of education and living.  Reading and writing and thinking all leads to sharing what we know.


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