Improvement of Personality

Improvement of Personality

Improvement of Personality
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Personality depends on moral habit. Self - confident can develop one's personality. Rational thought is necessary for better personality.

Personality of a man develops one’s career;

Presentation should be appropriate and fair,

Good features of character can improve it;

Personality depends on moral habits,

We should develop our self-confidence;

Present yourself with smart appearance,

Sociableness enhance one's personal sense;

Good personality depend on feature of patience,

Personality confide in presence of mind;

Alertness and sincerity should not subside,

Virtuous courage is its great ornament;

Personality improve by judicious judgement,

Rational thoughts required for better personality;

Personality can develop negotiate ability,

Personality build up by innovative skill;

Impartiality is necessary for public deal,

Stern situation conquest by rigid personality;

Good personality develop the social identity,

Man of personality is social acceptance;

Personal and social life should not offence.


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