More often than not, we do not pay heed to advise because we assume we can get past life without difficulties using our minimal knowledge. The reality of the matter comes to light when it is too late for a change. Thus, take the priceless words before the source becomes extinct.
I am a girl, with features and brain
Old lady’s arithmetic- one advice, a million times
The prescription is not aging
I pay heed not, I text Luke
She is without better tasks, I say
The words are faint and boring
Say no to walking corpses, the concernless,
See everything, document nothing
See everyone’s rot
Strife, get your own
Let not their feathers extinguish your candle
Lift not a dress above the knee, unless doctoring
Raise not thy legs, unless doing aerobics
Still, I pay no attention
She is with the cosmos
Everyone’s here, their rot unclear
Now, which branch is diseased?
Now, which soul is without concern?
Now, which mouth has loose jaws?
Now, which body wants private aerobics?
Now, which feather is jealous?
Safe is it to host them all?
With doors unlocked?
And drinks in the house, bill on me?
And candle hanged on the ceiling?
The politician, gossip girl, rally guy, all?
My brain cells are dead
Now, you, is it safe?
I look back and my ignorance cause a bruise
I lift my forehead from my daily tasks and feel blues
I hunger for answers and seek consolation from booze
I hang onto excuses but they bring no muse
My brain cells queue to help, responses askew
The lack of breakthroughs continues,
Off I go in search for feverfew
This is a fun creative piece that tells the story of a man cheating on his woman with a mistress named london who is just as beautiful if not more. This man loves his wife, and wants to be with her, but the beauty of his mistress is so mysterious that he feels compelled to cheat.